Family Members and Friends

The woman who went through the miscarriage is not the only one touched by the loss. Miscarriages may also affect the partner, family members, and friends. Furthermore, family members and friends may want to learn how to help or what to say to someone who has experienced a miscarriage. The websites below provide general information and answer questions about miscarriage, while also giving advice and help for partners, family, and friends.
Miscarriage Support for Partners
The United Kingdom Miscarriage Association provides a wealth of information on all aspects of miscarriage. This link will take you specifically to their page dealing with the struggles that partners go through with a miscarriage. more » -
Miscarriage Support for Men
Miscarriage Support Auckland provides comprehensive info surrounding all aspects of miscarriage. This section offers practical advice for men who are dealing with a miscarriage. more » -
Pregnancy Birth & Baby
Help and insight on how partners can get through a miscarriage together. There is also general info available concerning miscarriage if you want to browse more. more »